The House of Light
The House of Light is a political, economic and military alliance located mostly in the western Brchipelago, comprised of its four founding members: Deysachin (And as such the MPLMoN), the Dvergur, La Rossa and Okrit. The alliance's headquarters is located on Lighthouse Island, a small island east of the Rossan city of Buglio controlled under shared governance. The alliance's (and the island's) namesake is found in the lighthouses which the nations miraculously built together during a short period of minor tensions, a feat which has become symbolic of their power of cooperation.
Economic Cooperation
The framework of the House of Light seeks not only to facilitate, but actively promote economic integration between members. The terms, as negotiated, call for free and open trade between its members in order to allow for the mutual prosperity of all its members. Disruptions in trade within the alliance are to be avoided, and the alliance's foundations call for the peaceful resolution of international disputes through the institution of the compact.
Military Cooperation
The designations of the alliance stipulate a defensive agreement between members. In accordance with its political goals of shared economic benefits amongst its members, the House of Light forbids war between its members, and requires allies to come in defense of members under attack by foreign powers. Although all nations in the alliance share the responsibility of the protection of their fellow members from invading threats, the House of Light does not require other nations join their allies in offensive conflicts.
Aspiring Members
Since its formation, the House of Light has attracted the attention of a number of nations willing to deepen ties with the alliance. Although the prospects of most such national aims remain slim, the Republic of Utlia, having withdrawn from the Akuta Pact following the death of its president Swyl Shote at the hands of Ramchoi Banokan, has sought the ascension of the nation into the alliance, and has had future talks hinted at by international leaders.